3 Signs Your Fresenius Machines Are Neglected

It’s very unfortunate, but this is all too common in the industry. As the dialysis process requires a high level of teamwork between skilled clinical staff and technical, it’s a shared responsibility to be sure machines are being pulled ASAP.
Though this is very common to see, it is preventable. You know that brownish colored streak you see from the acid port to the base or in the area of the Shunt Door? That is due to a neglected leak. Dialysis Biomedical Technicians perform preventative maintenance twice per year on each machine. We know if a port is failing and can proactively replace it. These stains can easily be cleaned up nicely too.
Leaks If these machines get the proper TLC that goes beyond the manufacturers checklist, leaks can mostly be avoided. State Surveyors will give an IJ if they notice an active leak and/or a puddle on the floor. Wet floors pose a major safety issue to both patients and staff. Leaks can also cause pressure problems and/or flow errors that can result in poor quailty treatment.
Pulling More Than 1 Machine Per Week
This sounds unrealistic, but at Bion we have proven this time and time again. Having your facility at this level of care has many benefits. Fewer treatment interruptions, spending less on the cost of repair parts, and of course the labor involved with repairs, just to name a few. I’m sure you can name a few clinical reasons too!
To conclude, facilities operating on short biomedical staff will see all of these symptoms of neglected equipment. Pulling staff from other areas and stretching them thin compromises the quality from their area also. There has been a common trend over the last decade of hiring warm bodies and people without the skill set to fill the important role of Biomedical Nephrology Technicians, let avoid this moving forward for the sake of ESRD patients!
Any questions or concerns, please reach out.